Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century – A Detailed Review


"Think and Grow Rich," originally published in 1937 by Napoleon Hill, is more than just a self-help book; it's a timeless masterpiece that has influenced millions worldwide. The revised and updated edition for the 21st century seeks to adapt Hill’s principles to contemporary times, making the book even more relevant today. This detailed review explores the book's key concepts, its historical context, updates in the new edition, and its impact on readers and society.

Historical Context and Background

Napoleon Hill wrote "Think and Grow Rich" during the Great Depression, a period marked by economic hardship and uncertainty. Hill’s inspiration came from steel magnate Andrew Carnegie, who commissioned him to interview over 500 successful individuals to distill the secrets of their success. Hill’s work is the culmination of these interviews, offering a comprehensive philosophy of personal achievement and financial success.

The book's historical context is crucial. During the 1930s, Americans were desperate for hope and practical advice to rebuild their lives. Hill’s principles provided a beacon of light, emphasizing the power of personal belief, perseverance, and self-discipline.

Key Concepts of "Think and Grow Rich"

  1. Desire: Hill posits that a burning desire to be and to do is the starting point for all achievements. This desire must be coupled with a definite plan and a persistence that does not recognize failure as an option.

  2. Faith: Faith is a state of mind that can be induced or created by affirmation or repeated instructions to the subconscious mind. Hill asserts that belief in one's abilities and the belief that success is possible are critical components of achieving wealth and personal goals.

  3. Autosuggestion: This principle is about influencing your subconscious mind through repeated positive affirmations. By continuously telling oneself that they are capable and destined for success, one’s subconscious mind begins to accept these statements as truths, thus guiding one's actions towards success.

  4. Specialized Knowledge: Hill distinguishes between general knowledge and specialized knowledge. The latter is crucial for success and must be organized and applied to a specific goal.

  5. Imagination: The workshop of the mind, imagination is where all plans are created and developed. Hill highlights two types of imagination – synthetic imagination, which is used to rearrange old concepts into new combinations, and creative imagination, which is the source of new ideas and inspirations.

  6. Organized Planning: This principle emphasizes the importance of planning every action toward achieving one's goals. Hill provides a detailed approach to creating actionable plans, organizing efforts, and recruiting the help of others through a mastermind alliance.

  7. Decision: Hill found that successful people make decisions promptly and change them slowly. Indecision and procrastination are major obstacles to success.

  8. Persistence: Persistent effort is essential to overcoming obstacles and achieving success. Hill asserts that persistence is a state of mind and can be cultivated.

  9. The Mastermind: This principle involves forming a group of like-minded individuals who can provide guidance, feedback, and support. The collective intelligence and energy of the group significantly enhance the potential for success.

  10. The Subconscious Mind: Hill explains that the subconscious mind is a powerful force that can be trained to work in one's favor through positive thoughts and emotions.

  11. The Brain: This principle discusses how the brain is a broadcasting and receiving station for thought. It highlights the importance of maintaining a positive mental attitude to attract positive outcomes.

  12. The Sixth Sense: Hill describes this as the "door to the temple of wisdom," an intuitive sense that provides guidance and insights beyond the realm of the conscious mind.

Updates in the Revised Edition

The revised edition of "Think and Grow Rich" for the 21st century incorporates modern examples and updates some of Hill’s original language to resonate with contemporary readers. While the core principles remain unchanged, the revisions provide context and applicability to the modern era, making Hill’s teachings accessible to new generations.

  1. Modern Success Stories: The updated edition includes success stories from modern entrepreneurs and leaders who have applied Hill’s principles in today's world. These stories provide relatable and inspiring examples for readers.

  2. Language and Accessibility: The language has been updated to reflect modern vernacular, ensuring that the book is accessible and engaging for today’s readers. Outdated terms and references have been revised to maintain relevance.

  3. Technological Advancements: The revised edition acknowledges the impact of technology and the digital age on achieving success. It incorporates discussions on leveraging technology to enhance productivity and innovation.

  4. Global Perspective: The updated version takes a more global view, reflecting the interconnectedness of the modern world. It includes examples and advice that are applicable to a diverse, global audience.

Impact on Readers and Society

"Think and Grow Rich" has had a profound impact on readers and society at large. Its principles have been credited with helping countless individuals achieve their personal and financial goals. The book's emphasis on positive thinking, goal-setting, and self-discipline resonates with readers seeking to improve their lives.

  1. Personal Development: Many readers have reported significant personal growth after applying Hill’s principles. The book encourages introspection and self-improvement, leading to greater self-awareness and confidence.

  2. Entrepreneurial Success: Entrepreneurs often cite "Think and Grow Rich" as a foundational text that has influenced their approach to business and success. The principles of desire, planning, and persistence are particularly relevant to the entrepreneurial journey.

  3. Financial Freedom: The book provides practical advice on achieving financial independence. By following Hill’s steps, many have been able to break free from financial constraints and achieve wealth.

  4. Motivation and Inspiration: Hill’s writing is motivational and inspirational. Readers are often moved by his conviction and passion, which instills a sense of possibility and determination.

  5. Cultural Influence: "Think and Grow Rich" has permeated popular culture, influencing other self-help books, motivational speakers, and personal development programs. Its principles are echoed in various forms across multiple media.

Critiques and Controversies

While "Think and Grow Rich" is widely acclaimed, it has also faced critiques and controversies. Some skeptics question the scientific validity of Hill’s principles, arguing that success cannot be attributed solely to mindset and positive thinking. Critics also point out that Hill’s focus on wealth may not resonate with individuals whose goals are not financially driven.

  1. Scientific Basis: Critics argue that Hill’s principles lack empirical evidence and rely heavily on anecdotal success stories. While the power of positive thinking and goal-setting is widely accepted, the direct correlation to financial success remains debated.

  2. Materialistic Focus: Some readers find the book’s emphasis on wealth accumulation to be overly materialistic. They argue that true success encompasses more than financial gain, including personal fulfillment, relationships, and overall well-being.

  3. Exclusivity of Examples: Hill’s original examples primarily feature white, male entrepreneurs from the early 20th century. Although the revised edition includes more diverse stories, some readers feel that the book does not fully address the unique challenges faced by women, minorities, and individuals from different socio-economic backgrounds.

  4. Psychological Risks: There is a concern that the book’s emphasis on personal responsibility and positive thinking might lead to feelings of guilt or failure in readers who struggle to achieve their goals despite their best efforts. This perspective suggests a need for a balanced approach that considers external factors and systemic barriers to success.


"Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century" remains a seminal work in the field of personal development and success literature. Its enduring appeal lies in its timeless principles, which continue to inspire and guide individuals toward achieving their dreams. While the book is not without its critiques, its impact on readers and society is undeniable.

The revised edition successfully bridges the gap between Hill’s original teachings and the contemporary world, making the book more accessible and relevant to today’s readers. Whether one seeks financial success, personal growth, or motivation, "Think and Grow Rich" offers valuable insights and practical advice that can be applied to various aspects of life.

As we navigate the complexities of the 21st century, the core message of "Think and Grow Rich" – that our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality – remains as powerful and pertinent as ever. By understanding and applying Hill’s principles, readers can unlock their potential and pave the way to a prosperous and fulfilling future.

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